Big Fish Little Fish Family Rave
Since 2013 Big Fish Little Fish have brought raving to the family massive.
An independent, grassroots music and events crew of seasoned ravers and parents that put on family raves with all the freedom and excitement of a mini-festival, right in the heart of cities and towns across the UK.
“London’s latest clubbing craze. Reliably Excellent” – The Guardian
“credible DJ bills…..great effects…..magical” – Time Out
“responsible irresponsibility” – Robert Archand, BFLF regular
“The most fun we’ve ever had together as a family” – BFLF first timer
“three best days of my life: getting married, having my child, now THIS!” – BFLF first timer
Drawing on our experience as ravers and parents the BFLF crew create anarchic, social, daft fun for all ages. Inspired by Hannah’s (the founder) lifelong love of clubbing and her family’s enjoyment of festivals. BFLF is something we want to take our own families to – somewhere relaxed, entertaining, and where the adults enjoy themselves as much as the children and vice versa with grandparents, uncles, aunts and carers all in the mix.
‘Raving always came from the heart, a way to express a love of music and dancing with your friends. BFLF extends that across the generations so you can rave with your family too. It’s a celebration of life, love, unity and music. Together on the dance floor. ‘ – Hannah BFLF Founder
We work hard to make sure each event is unique – different DJs, creative themes and guest artists running everything from hula-hoop demonstrations to synthesiser workshops to interactive light installations.
Our parties are held in interesting and quirky venues; clubs, arts spaces, festivals, woods and pubs, which help create the ambience of being at a real rave.
Started in Brixton, summer 2013 BFLF now runs on weekend afternoons across the UK and Australia, and also works with other festivals and organisations (Glastonbury Festival, Camp Bestival, South Bank Centre, Edinburgh Festival, V&A Museum, Beautiful Days, Coventry Mysteries, Kendal Calling, National Gallery, Stratford Circus, The Museum of London, LGBQT Pride, Out With The Family, Winterville, Mini VAULT, Farnham Maltings, Dreamland Margate and the London Electronic Arts Festival).
Regular events are now held all over the country including: Plymouth, Exeter, Bristol, Bath, Oxford, Birmingham,Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle, Leicester, Norwich, Southend, Margate, Tunbridge Wells, Newcastle, Southampton, Bournemouth, Aberdeen, Inverness, Sunderland and Manchester and many more. We also run in Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Perth, Adelaide and Sydney Australia.